This pack upgrades a Sencond-Edition copy of Viticulture to the Essential Edition. these components are also included in the original Tuscany expansion pack. The Mama and Papa cards offer players a variety of starting resources; the Field cards allow for money to be made early in the game when it is most needed; the Visitor cards give players a several choices to enhance their strategies at different times in the game, and the Automa cards enable solo play.Deze box bevat:36 Mama and Papa Cards18 Field Cards38 Summer Visitor Cards38 Winter Visitor Cards24 Automa CardsRulebookLet op: Indien je beschikt over de Viticulture Essential Edition, heb je deze componenten al. Ook als je de oude Tuscany (niet de Essential Edition) hebt, heb je deze componenten al.
Groot assortiment bordspellen, kaartspellen en nog veel meer gezellige en leuke spellen.