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Spielbox 2018 #1 (Engels)


Artikelnummer: 236561632 Categorie:

Add-on”Sunny days”. New cards forAltiplano(dlp games).CONTENTSREVIEWThe Dial of Death:BiospherePacking a Trunk:ReworldCubical Assistants:Istanbul – The Dice GameHard Shell, Soft Core:EthnosA Very Good Catch:NusfjordDouble Pack Auctions:GuildsNot the Way the Author Planned:Mountains of MadnessA Pleasure for Optimizers:RiverboatStealing the Whole Castle:Chickwood ForestJourney Into the Unknown:Loot IslandMy Whole Kingdom for a Cow:MontanaMore Difficult Than Necessary:AgraBeing Emperor Is a Tough Position:Time of CrisisDivorce Genoese Style:Brides& BribesBACKGROUNDThat´s Biology!Co-Author Christoph Bauer about the project BiosphereEVERGREENComeback as a Card Game:LondonREPORTAn Idea Imported From France:BelgoludiquePORTRAITUkrainian Roots:Denys LonshakovREGULARSFirst Player First:Modern Game ElementsLATECOMERAnimal Trench Warfare:TopoumTO BE CONTINUEDStar Trek Ascendancy: Ferengi Alliance, Cardassian Union, Borg AssimilationANALYSISThe Value of Work:MontanaINTERVIEWA New Hat in the RIng: Uli Blennemann about Compass Games GermanyFOR KIDSSchummel HummelFunkelschatz112 BrandgefährlichDie HörbiesDas kunterbunte IgelrennenAT A GLANCEHanamikojiTulip BubbleHarvest DiceHalf-Pint HeroesKaruba – The Card Game