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Multiuniversumis een kaart- en actiegestuurd spel dat doorgaat tot iemand 5 portalen heeft kunnen openen.Je bent onderdeel van een team wetenschappers die zich heeft verschanst in het geheime CERN lab, waar je rustig aan het experimenteren bent met portalen naar nieuwe dimensies. You?re part of a team of brilliant scientists working on the super secret lab: CERN. While experimenting with teletransportation your team came across a wonderful discovery: portals to new dimensions!Just imagine! Once a portal is open a whole new magical dimension is suddenly very close. All you need to do is take one step forward and you're there.The problem is… The crazy wild creatures from those other dimensions can now walk in.Oh no.Close the portals NOW!Multiuniversumis a card game puzzle in which players use actions on their cards to do research, move between 5 modules of the Hadron Collider, preparing tools so they can close portals to alternative realities.Each player has 3 cards on hand and 3 actions to make during their turn. Using these cards players can:do research (draw 2 cards)prepare a toolmove to any machine moduleclose portaluse module abilityWhen the player closes a portal he gets a sample from this universe (allows player to get bonus points) and knowledge points – described on card.Each 5 modules open 5 portals. The game ends immediately when three portals piles have run out. The scientist who got the most knowledge points receive a Nobel prize and wins the game.NaamSpeelduurAantal spelersLeeftijdUitgeverDesignerSoortTaalTaalonafhankelijkRanking (BGG)Multiuniversum20-40 minuten1-512+Boards&DiceManuel CorreiaStrategie, Kaartspel, Science FictionEngelsJaTop 2500