High up in the Optimum, Gareth hears the drums of war. The beastmen of Lashnok are restless and will soon attack. With the Worldbreaker leading the charge, no gate can stop them. Even with an army of automatons, it will take all of Gareth's tactical genius to try and stop the fire and fury of the Breaker of Worlds.Epic Card Game: Pantheonis an expansion for the Epic Card Game that's packaged in six non-random booster packs (Furios vs Maligus, Helena vs Zaltessa, Angeline vs Scara, Gareth vs Lashnok, Shadya vs Valentia, and Riksis vs Tarken), with each booster pack containing twelve new game cards, 2 deity/token cards, and 1 double sided token card.
Groot assortiment bordspellen, kaartspellen en nog veel meer gezellige en leuke spellen.